[Squeakfoundation]An architecture for sustainable Squeaking

squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Sat, 2 Jun 2001 17:43:00 +0300

Hi, Joseph. Glad you decided to stay on this list.

Joseph Pelrine <jpelrine@acm.org> wrote:
> Quoting you - ("Sorry, newcomer X, but your code's just too shaky, we'll 
> have to pass on that for now")
> Please start by reading the numerous writings on modularity in Smalltalk 
> before posting things like this.

Modularity is only part of the story here. I just posted an example
describing problems integrating a goodie I wrote. This Goodie isn't even
worthy of a module, it's just a few changes needed to several places
that belong in different modules. So if the goodie isn't accepted into
the various modules, it's dead as a nail. Getting accepted requires
gatekeepers that can say "Well, Daniel, that thing just isn't getting
into my module without SUnit tests and removing the MethodSubstitute
specific stuff from PluggableListMorph".

Modularity is a neccessary but insufficient condition to letting people
contribute things effectively.
(As your keep-off-my-mind-meld posts show you very well know...)

> Joseph
