
ducasse squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Mon, 21 Jan 2002 21:38:30 +0100

Hi Cees

The university of Brussels via Theo D'Hondt group Prog is teaching Squeak
and Scheme. At bern we are teaching using VW. But this does not really
matter, what matter is that we shoud try to do demoe in University anytime
we have an opportunity.

In France, some isolated groups are teaching using Squeak (at least to I

> You're forgetting that little corner of the world that lies outside the
> USofA - you remember these folk from Argentina with their MatMorphs? I
> also vaguely recall seeing a lot of University of Bern, Switzerland guys
> hanging out on the Squeak lists... ;-)

By the way Cees, I'm not really for the multiplication of the list. May be
we can have threads or is there any simple way to declare a temporary
mailing list to which a group of people working together can register.
