
Stephane Ducasse squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Tue, 29 Jan 2002 09:53:19 +0100

Hi Dan

Just a point 

Putting in the image should be earse from our vocabulary:)
We should say put in a loadable on demand (project, modules....).
> 2.  Decisions about what should and should not go into the image.  This, too
> has been relaxed a bit, but I can point immediately to a number of things it
> might be nice to have in the image that we have not put in:
> Morphic Wrappers
> Connectors
> Linda
> and, as I write it I realize this is a huge list -- basically everything we've
> done.  How have those decisions been made and why?  How is easy:  I and the
> others in SqC have made them.  Why is not so easy, but it takes us into the
> interesting territory...
