[Squeakfoundation]Order of business ...

squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Thu, 14 Nov 2002 23:07:46 +0100

Ok, guys, everything sounds nice.

I hope Scott is interested and willing to stay as the main "gate keeper"
for a while - but it is of course important to document the process so
that we can both let someone else fill in if needed and also remake the
whole harvesting process given the outlined vision of an interactive

But let me skip the details for just one more post. I think it would be
good to do these two steps FIRST:

1. Rework the Squeakfoundation Swiki. Rip oup the old cruft, put in some
fresh info - the Mission statement etc. I can start doing this if we
agree on it.
2. Put up a page there with the current Guides and their *roles*. I can
do that too - but you need to help me formulate them, see below.

This last part became quite obvious when I was writing about the near
future in the mission statement. Now I will throw out some roles and see
what you say:

1. Guide of VMs and image format: Tim Rowledge. Coordinate the VMs, the
BC stuff, J5 etc. Tim has the deep knowledge to do this and he is one of
he four horseme... ehrm, I mean VM port maintainers.

2. Guide of image detanglement (dependency analysis and making the base
package friendly): Daniel Vainsencher. Daniel has tools brewing
(Spaghetti tracer), a bunch of good ideas how to make the image more
dynamic and package friendly etc. I think you would fit perfectly in
that role leading the forces forward and handing out responsibility
areas. Much like you just started to do in previous postings here.

3. Guide of SM: Me. I will simply focus on moving SM forward, first step
will be to present the roadmap ahead. Then if people are interested to
help out I will coordinate that.

4. Guide of the update stream: I think Doug is the perfect fit. Having
been a harvester Doug knows the ropes and could start by documenting the
process we have together with Scott and then perhaps start sketching on
a new system for this as we have envisioned. I would like to participate
in the design because SM has quite a lot to do with that. Best would be
if Scott wants to continue doing the updates of course but with
assistance of Doug and perhaps we could also start a more aggressive
collection into our alpha version - it is after all alpha, right? There
are literally TONS of fixes out there. And the focus should be on fixes,
not extra stuff.

5. Guide of (top down) application breakout: Ned Konz. Ned has deep
Morphic knowledge which seems to come handy when ripping out a few apps
from the image! Also given SAR and good knowledge of SM Ned could see to
that we hand out apps to people willing to take them on and help them
break them out and start maintaining them.

6. Guide of (bottom up) kernel image buildup: Craig Latta. Craig has low
level knowledge and an interest in small platforms. Perhaps this is a
perfect fit with Dan Ingalls/Andreas Raab to help us get that small
kernel image and also start layering packages on top of it.

Note that I just whipped these up from thin air - pick, choose, reject
and select according to your own!

regards, Göran