[Squeakfoundation]Order of business ...

Luciano Notarfrancesco squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Fri, 15 Nov 2002 11:55:33 -0800

Doug Way wrote:

> Well, there were two bundles of fixes harvested by myself and Luciano 
> about six months ago, which fell off the table somehow before making 
> it into the 3.3alpha update stream. [...]
> I guess I need to think about whether to generate tables for the list 
> submissions over the last 6 months, or whether to just issue a call to 
> the list to re-submit items which people think are important.

Hi all,
I'm excited about all the news, and I'm happy to see Squeak taking some 
impulse again. I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to do much harvesting 
lately but, if it's allright with everybody, I intend to continue my 
role as a harvester. Let me know when the new tables are up, so I can 
start reviewing the submissions.


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