[Squeakfoundation]Swiki reorg

Cees de Groot squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
17 Nov 2002 22:14:37 +0100

Per Goran's suggestion, I cleaned up the front page of the Swiki a bit.
Because wiki graffiti kiddies have found this one as well, I locked the front
page (password 'saycheese'). The general idea is to use 'Squeak Foundation' as
a, err, brand name for organizational/meta activities, and one project is
instituting the actual legal entity. 

The next thing I'd like to see is to get separate pages for the Guides'
activities. However, I feel that after a short project description, most of
the projects should link to the main Squeak swiki for the gory details (hmm -
todo: InterWiki links in Swiki ;-)). I've setup something for the PR thingie. 

Everything not related to 'current' work has been relocated under the 'Other
stuff' header. Maybe later on, we should weed out the obsolete stuff. 

<insert superfluous invitation for comments on this here>



Cees de Groot               http://www.cdegroot.com     <cg@cdegroot.com>
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