[Squeakfoundation]Re: Basic tenets of what goes in the image

Doug Way squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Mon, 25 Nov 2002 18:58:22 -0500

goran.hultgren@bluefish.se wrote:
> Daniel Vainsencher <danielv@netvision.net.il> wrote:
> > This is my proposed base policy on what should go into the image
> ...
> So please, stop thinking in terms of "the base image"! Flow? It should
> IMHO not go into the base image. In fact IMHO Networking should rather
> be *cut out* of the image into a package. Much like Tim said in another
> reply.
> ...
> I strongly urge everyone to keep the focus on *packages* and not the
> base image. This also applies to the discussion about 3.4alpha going
> into beta and the discussion about putting SM into the base image, btw.
> If people still want to talk about a "base" of some kind then by all
> means we should create one! How? By selecting packages that we want to
> consider to be the base packages.

I was just thinking that perhaps we need a term for what we've been calling the "base image", even though it will eventually be composed of packages.  (I think Daniel was probably referring to this new thing, not the old image.)

Should it be called the "base release"?  Or perhaps the "base configuration"?  (I guess that one would have to wait until we have support for package configurations.)

We still want to have this concept of a "base release", which will be the thing that we release as Squeak 3.4, 3.5, 4.0, etc., even though it will be composed of packages.  Of course, this release won't necessarily be the totally dominant form of Squeak that has been used by everyone in the past... other people/organizations may come up with competing releases/configurations, too, since it will now be much easier to do so.

But there will still be some value in having our group (The Guides) put out a release on a regular basis, as a sort of standard... the thing that will appear on squeak.org for people to download.

So what should we call this thing? :-)

And we have talked about a minimal release versus a larger "kitchen-sink" release (similar in content to the current base image)... I guess we will have to come up with names for both.

- Doug