[Squeakfoundation]Guides swiki pages and more

Ned Konz squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Wed, 27 Nov 2002 15:34:37 -0800

On Wednesday 27 November 2002 03:12 pm, Doug Way wrote:
> So, we could probably just discuss them on this list on an ad-hoc
> basis.  I guess I could collect the few ones off the list and post
> them here in a message soon.  (Then for 3.5alpha we'll have the
> improved harvesting process in place.)

I would like some more eyes on the FileListFixes2-nk revamping that I=20
did recently. Scott's looking at it, but it could stand some more=20


I'd also like to put in the little tweak that adds "browse model=20
class" to the Morph debug menu, but it isn't important:


And I'd really like to put in the one little tweak to Morph that I had=20
to make for Connectors -- especially after having a collision with=20
the AdjacencyLayout stuff. It just adds a notification upon a morph=20
being added to another morph. I'll look at it some more.

I've been working on improving the error handling on the SqueakMap=20
loading, but didn't get an answer on whether it was possible to retry=20
a block from an Exception defaultAction method. I can do it more=20
simply, though, and just copy &edit the HTTP loading code for the SM=20

Or we could do something like check if the response is text/plain and=20
starts with "error". Yuk.

Or we could just ignore that and let the various installers notice=20
that they have the wrong data, which they do (indirectly) already.

Ned Konz