[Squeakfoundation]Incorporating removals & KCP stuff

Marcus Denker marcus at ira.uka.de
Wed May 7 11:46:34 CEST 2003

On Wed, May 07, 2003 at 02:19:57AM +0200, Daniel Vainsencher wrote:
> I say just split the removals. Notify the owners/on squeak-dev, and
> remove only the packages that can return. We can do the other removals
> either as people fix the packages or next release. Let's just get it
> over with, so we can go back to work.
> Do that, I'll test vs. KCP, we load KCP, and then resume harvesting the
> regular stuff.

I think we need to find a harvesting-process that is more "parallel":
The main problem with the current process is that it isn't very
friendly to simple changes. E.g. if I post a changeset that simply
deletes an test-method that was rewritten as a SUNIT-test, I somewhat
would like to see this harvested in a speed that is somewhat related
to the complexity of that change: If this takes 3 weeks, it 
*completely* destroys my enthusiasm to do more simple (but important) 
refactorings. And, I guess I won't ever spend a long time "lobbying"
for inclusion of a 1 line chaneset... this is *silly*.

Another thing: KCP and MCP are ongoing projects. So we can't plan
do "resume adding fixes after KCP": There won't be any such point
in time. We need to do this in parallel, even if it breaks stuff.
I think *every* contributor will happily change their stuff if
it breaks because something else has added: As long as people
get the feeling that we are moving, they will tolerate this. And
even be happy to do this. But not adding stuff because it could
(maybe) break something that should be added soon will get us

Another problem: The reviewing-process is too complicated.
And in a funny way: Not what you should do, but these strange
2-charakter-codes are really the main reason why no-one is
reviewing changes... too complicated. Maybe we should only add
another tag at the end [REVIEW] and then write full words in
the body of the mail. For this review-mail, we could provide a 
template on the wiki: This would serve as a kind of "guideline"
for the review, and so make reviews much easier. 


Marcus Denker marcus at ira.uka.de  -- Squeak! http://squeak.de

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