[Squeakfoundation][fm #27534] (news-admins) Submission report - Squeak

Ted Kaehler Ted at SqueakLand.org
Wed May 14 09:28:18 CEST 2003

Ned and folks,
	If it was me who registered us, I have forgotten all about 
it.  Let's say no to letting the stranger take over, and consider the 
idea afresh.


Ted Kaehler         http://www.squeakland.org/~ted/
(home) 3261 Montecito Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89120.  voice (702) 456-7930
The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new 
discoveries, is not 'Eureka!', but 'That's funny...'  -- Isaac Asimov

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