[Squeakfoundation][fm #27534] (news-admins) Submission report - Squeak

Cees de Groot cg at cdegroot.com
Thu May 15 21:10:10 CEST 2003

On Thu, 2003-05-15 at 17:45, Daniel Pearson via RT wrote:
> We don't have any record regarding who originally submitted the Squeak listing
> on freshmeat.
It was Ted Kaehler <Ted at squeakland.org>, it turns out.

Anyway, Daniel, I have requested ownership of the project earlier today,
being the guy who currently takes care of public relations for the
Squeak project (for some value of 'taking care' ;-)). There's probably a
new ticket to that effect in your RT queue. 

The original request came from someone we've never heard of in our
community, but it did trigger a small discussion on the fact that the
project's entry on FM was dangling.


Cees de Groot
('cdegroot' on FM,Slashdot,SF,and probably one or two places I forgot)

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