
Diego Gomez Deck DiegoGomezDeck at ConsultAr.com
Wed Jul 3 21:39:19 PDT 2002


>I don't think adults who have never programmed are challenged in the least 
>by OOP.

Of course my experience is *too* far away from the Alan's one, but I can 
tell you my experience:

The last year, I was responsible to teach OOP and Smalltalk to two 
different groups of persons.  One group was composed of Agronomical 
professionals with near to zero experience with computer, the other group 
was composed of computer near-professionals.

The computer professionals had a *lot* of problems to lean OOP, but the 
Agronomical had NOT problem at all.... Most of them are using Squeak as a 
tool for research ( http://www.agro.uba.ar/smalltalk/ )

In in the other side, the teaching was *much* more funny to me teaching to 
the agronomical professionals.

>But the first paradigm that one learns seems to have quite a lasting 
>effect these days. It was easier in the early sixties when I learned 
>because there were no orthodox machine or language architectures, and one 
>had to learn at least 20 or so. This helped quite a bit when a new idea 
>came along .... By the end of the sixties, all had changed, and data 
>structures and procedures had quite taken over.


Diego Gomez Deck

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