Hello. My name is Thom Gillespie. I write for a magazine

Christopher Sawtell csawtell at paradise.net.nz
Fri Mar 15 23:22:23 PST 2002

Diego Gomez Deck wrote:
 > Hello...
 > I'm not a teacher, but a father...

So am I.

 > My son of 4 years old use the computer more time than I like... He
 > learned to read/write with the computer at the age of 2 1/2... The
 > problem I see today is the large ammount of information he can
 > access, the information by itself (in large ammounts) is not so
 > good... We need tools to clasify and process the information... I
 > think that one of the goal for the next years is to "protect"
 > childrens from the over-information (not too many years ago, when
 > you searched for "holocaust" in internet you found more nazy pages
 > than others)...

I am in the middle of setting up ( integrating )  a 
firewall-cum-protection-filter for my son, 12 & 1/2 years, and one for 
his school.

The technology is in place right now.



I'll let you know when it is all going here.

Sincerely etc.,

Christopher Sawtell

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