Maloney, John John.Maloney at disney.com
Wed May 29 19:36:31 PDT 2002

StarSqueak is built into Squeak images later than about Squeak 3.1. Just use
the "new morph..." menu, select "from alphabetical list" and select "StarSqueakAntColony".

It will take a few seconds before anything appears while the simulation is
initializing. Then a rectangular morph will appear. Use the red halo handle to
get a menu. In that menu, select "start" to start the simulation. I usually select
"keep this menu up" because it has several useful commands for running the

You many want to use the "make parameter slider" to create a parameter slider
for "ant count". Note that with 50 ants, the ants tend to form trails to one or two
food sources at a time. With a much larger number, such as 300 ants, their are
enough ants to form stable trails to all four food sources at once.


	-- John

P.S. The other StarSqueak simulations are also available in the "new morph..."
menu and can be run in the same way.

At 11:40 AM -0700 5/29/02, hermann wrote:
>     Hello everybody!  does anyone of you have the ant simulation or other similar stuff??  I 'm currently working on a project about populations at the berlin university of the arts . Could you mail me the stuff for squeak?  Thank you very much  yours Hermann Kloeckner   sommerundsterne at gmx.de   

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