FWD: Re: Newby need for help

Anindita anindita
Fri Apr 18 14:54:06 PDT 2003

> Actually, there is a wide range of tutorials at the
> above link, including tutorials on high-level
> Mathematics and Physical Science concepts.  Also
> included are all of the basic mechanics that a newby
> would need to get started utilizing the etoy level to
> its maximum capacity..

Oops, sorry-- I didn't look through the entire site!  Thanks for pointing
that out.

It's great to look through examples of what has been done in etoys. . . I
actually didn't like it at all the first few times I used it, I thought it
was very limited, but after seeing a few Alan Kay demoes I went back and
discovered that I hadn't really thought about how elements could be
combined. . . it's much more powerful than it first appears.



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