UI rules for the Mind and not for an Object Class ;)

Darius Clarke darius at inglang.com
Wed Jan 15 12:01:17 PST 2003

Hello everyone,

> yet another rule to be learned (amongst too many rules already)

> children very quickly learn what to do in the UI, even with inconsistencies 
in the UI

Is there, can there be, should there be a place to collect together these rules 
or inconsistency between rules for us adults to learn? 

In a wiki web page or a text morph in the Squeak/eToy distribution images 

> However, my belief is that the only difficulties 
> that should be in a child's learning environment are ones that all of 
> us have put there to help the child -- there shouldn't be any 
> gratuitous difficulties from bad design

Here, here. As in "The Humane Interface" by Jef Raskin
Summary here: http://wiki.osafoundation.org/bin/view/Main/HumaneUserInterface


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