EToy French Translation

Scott Wallace scott.wallace
Mon May 5 08:53:37 PDT 2003


This would be a hard change to make in the etoy system for languages 
where the word order of the possessive is opposite to English, 
because the order of the tiles themselves would have to be different 
for it to read correctly, which would require significant structural 
changes rather than simple wording substitutions.

We could handle localizing the possessive wording on the tiles 
without much difficulty in languages where the pattern:

    <object-name> <possessive-token> <property-name>

is used for possessives, thus:

English:	John's x
German:		Johns x
Japanese:	John-no x

but we would need reversed tile order for:

French:		(l') x de John
Kiswahili:  	x ya John

So there would unfortunately seem to be no easy solution for these -- sorry!

But perhaps at least *removing* the "'s" suffixes for possessive 
tiles in languages other than English would improve matters slightly, 
e.g. "John x" rather than "John's x".

... not really French, but at least not English, and at least 
somewhat language-neutral??   ;-)


    -- Scott

At 12:15 PM +0000 4/1/03, philippe at wrote:
>Bonjour M Dreyfuss,
>J'ai essay? de votre version francaise de Squeak et j'en suis tr?s
>satisfait. Merci pour le travail effectu? qui d?passe largement le cadre de
>celui que j'avais commenc?, ? savoir la traduction de #addFrenchVocabulary.
>Mais peut-etre pouvons nous aller plus loin en supprimant les 's du
>genitif, car ils sont genants pour les petits francais...
>Avez-vous cherch? dans ce sens ?
>Philippe Nougaillon

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