[Squeakland] Making a Copy of an eToy from a script and usingthe mouse pointer to activate an eToy script

Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas offray.luna at javeriana.edu.co
Mon Nov 13 16:23:37 PST 2006

Hi Karl,

karl escribió:

>>  There is some natural number in each of the copies' names. Can I use 
>> it as a reference for the copies scripts to enable them?
> You have to keep a reference to the player.Assign it to a variable.

¿Can I use some kind of loop inside a script to automatize the way 
assign variables to copied objects?

> You can only go from tile to script, not the other way around. 
> Hopefully some day it can be done.Karl

¿How can I start to program using only the code mode of the scriptor, 
not the tile mode?, to get something similar to the chooseMessageTarget 
script from Scott?

Thanks a lot,


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