[Squeakland] How can the knights of the square brackets help the quest 2Be1?

Markus Gaelli gaelli at emergent.de
Fri Sep 15 04:56:36 PDT 2006

On Sep 15, 2006, at 10:09 AM, Andreas Raab wrote:

> Markus Gaelli wrote:
>> Did anyone of you consider not to store the docs/specs of Etoys  
>> statically, but the commands to recreate the docs?
>> I am imagining sth like "Create standard playfield at 100 at 100  
>> called SolarSystem / Change color of SolarSystem to black/ Drop  
>> standard ellipse into SolarSystem called sun/... and so on.
> Yes, Ted did some work on this in Tweak. The goal was to enable a  
> user to get an understanding about some other user's project (this  
> was actually triggered by some eToys project of yours where I  
> couldn't for the hell of it figure out how you'd done it and  
> wondered if there isn't a way for the system to explain that  
> project to me).


> This is an interesting line of work but not quite complete enough  
> to be feasible right now (also, it works only in Tweak since it  
> relies on being able to record the user vs. the system  
> modifications - in Tweak, we keep track of such end-user changes in  
> an objects "tweaks" which is a list of user modifications readily  
> available for analysis).

What do you think about using these logs as an overall storage  
mechanism for projects/docs? Maybe not now, but in some time in the  

>> According to
>> http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/OSCNetwork.html (what's in a  
>> name...;-)
>> csound comes with osc, and I happen to have written an osc-client  
>> and server for squeak found on Squeakmap, maybe this could be of  
>> some help to you?
> I don't know much about either CSound or OSC. It'd be great if  
> there were some eToys UI for it, that would allow one to play a  
> series of notes from some holder or so.

Do you imagine an interface to TamTam? TamTam uses the greyscale  
mode, btw. will Etoys be available in greyscale mode also?

I guess the easiest to interface to TamTam would be to emulate python  
commands sent to the CSoundServer as found in:

We needed to emulate the notes according to:

Don't know why they don't use OSC instead -- funny thing to send  
_any_ python command over a socket to some other machine (exec !)...
Looks like Etoys could then play tunes together with TamTam, even  
sitting on some different machines... :-)

BUT: If you "only" wanted to create MIDI files to be played by csound  
you might want to have a look at

which gives you a MidiScore to MIDI file writer by Yisrael Lowenstein  
(Squeak 2.8 though, and beta, and I haven't tried it).



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