[Squeakland] start script-tiles not displayed correctly

karl ramberg karlramberg at gmail.com
Wed Sep 24 14:11:37 PDT 2008

I can confirm this bug.

I did a quick review of the oter projects, here is a list of issues:

SalmonSniff project uses old random tiles.
The BetterMovieUI and BallDropAnalyzes  use  UI buttons that are too
small on XO.
BallDropAnalyzes have no reset for the little blue ball.
SimpleSpring have a script with a tile variable with bad layout.
RandomRacing uses old random tiles.
Most number tiles in particle projects have a a few pix off layout.
Desktop project is unfinished


On 9/24/08, Markus Schlager <m.slg at gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just a small bug I encountered while exploring the FishAndPlancton-project
> in the Gallery of Example Projects:
> Tiles like 'start script: script' don't display the script to be started.
> See for example Plancton>>initialSetup (Screenshot attached).
> Markus
> -----------------------------------------------
>   Markus Schlager                  m.slg at gmx.de

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