[squeakland] New show case and new ballot system

Timothy Falconer timothy at squeakland.org
Sun Oct 4 08:11:39 EDT 2009

Thank you for your comments.  As always, please have a look at the  
pending showcase tickets before suggesting new things.  Someone may  
have thought of it before:

http://tracker.squeakland.org/browse/SQ (then click "showcase" in the  
lower left.)

Feel free to add your own tickets to the tracker.

More comments below . . .

On Oct 2, 2009, at 7:34 AM, Nevit Dilmen wrote:

> Hi,
> I have some comments and suggestions on new show case and new ballot  
> system based on my limited experience.
> About half of the ballot requests arrived in my yahoo junk mail  
> folder the other half arrived in mailbox. I do not know how yahoo  
> decides to sort the mail but same position may be true for other  
> public mail providers like gmail and hotmail.

You likely received many ballots from the first batch, which had a  
problem with junk mail.  Please delete these.

> It should be nice to create some page on squeakland org and limit  
> the mails to one per day. (You have 12 "tasks to do". Your projects  
> recieved 2 comments today. ) Other isntructions like the projects to  
> be evaluated could be given on site.  This needs at least one  
> private user page to be created.

This will be less necessary as time goes on.  Again, you received a  
flood of ballots because you were an "early adopter".  It will become  
much rarer to receive multiple messages per day later.  As for  
comments, it's an interesting idea to have a bulk email, but this  
would require holding the comment for a predetermined time to send  
multiple comments.  I think many authors would rather get their  
comment notification as soon as possible, so that they could respond  
to the comment on the web page before further comments are added.

> Unless there is also a public user page and another page sorting  
> users by their rank there will too few points in all efforts needed  
> for evaluating and ranking users.

I don't understand "too few points in all efforts needed for  
evaluating and ranking users."

> The voting page is poorly documented. What does region ranking mean?  
> Am I ranking Europe itself or how this project suites to Europe?

This is still experimental.   The ranks essentially mean ... "I think  
more (or less) people should see this when they click this category  
(or click "rank").   Region may get little use, which is fine.

> It happened twice that I was assigned projects in other languages  
> that I do not know. It would be nice to assign projects to people  
> who know the language of the project. The same principle could be  
> applied to user expertise. Physics projects should be assigned to  
> users with more physics background, math to math, etc.


The subject-expert idea is an interesting one, though there are some  
details to hammer out, such as how do we know?  One way is to favor  
those that have ranked highly in that cat before.

> Project tags should be editable during review process and perhaps  
> later. Sometimes a tag is missing sometimes it is present but is  
> inappropriate.
> The same applies to target age, subject.

At this point, all descriptive information is left to the project  
author, who can easily change information and resubmit.   Perhaps  
leave comments for them to change things.

I'm not ready to allow rankers to change project information yet,  
though if enough people want this, I'm open to it.  I'm also leery of  
viewer generated tags, to avoid the problems scratch, etc, have.

> In case of target age, multiple choice is better than single choice,  
> since some projects are suitable to a wider age range.

This was suggested by the ed team a few weeks back (for all  
categories), but there wasn't time for Etoys 4.   It's on the tracker  
somewhere (couldn't find it.)

> The voting page, requires 10 or more page refreshes to vote for  
> multiple parametres. This is annoying. Single click form can be  
> added to avoid multiple refreshes. Ajax is available to avoid  
> refreshes at all.


> Replies on comments go as new comments. Replies should be seperated  
> from comments.

There's two trains of thought on this .... I'm personally in favor of  
a more conversational approach, one after the other.  To me, nested  
comments are unnecessarily complicated, particularly for comments.

> Remixes go unnoticed. I.e Yoshiki made a remix of my project and  
> posted. Although he was kind to credit original project. There is no  
> link on my project to Yoshiki's remix and no link on Yoshiki's to my  
> project. On Scratch site these crediting links on remixes are  
> automatically generated. Although I have no idea how they are  
> generated, they are cool.

This is an Etoys bug ... http://tracker.squeakland.org/browse/SQ-488

> Non-ASCII charecters in project names appear broken or sometimes  
> cause problems... I suggest auto renaming A%20Bear%20Named%20Honey. 
> 003.pr to username-project_id.pr after upload.


> Regards,
> Nevit Dilmen
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