[squeakland] Re: New tiles "Say/Think" tiles

Ricardo Moran richi.moran at gmail.com
Sat Jun 19 13:37:10 EDT 2010

On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 2:09 AM, Steve Thomas <sthomas1 at gosargon.com> wrote:

> Ricardo,
> While playing with say/think and the speech bubble I noticed:
>    1. If you make a copy of a speech bubble, then try and resize the copy
>    you get some strange behavior.
> Yes, copying makes some weird behavior I don't fully understand. I will
look into it.

>    1. In the scripting tiles for say and think there is a green arrow at
>    the end of "arg" (this is only in the viewer, it disapears when you drag
>    into a Script Editor
> That seems to be common behavior of some commands tiles. See for example
the "forward by" tile. It doesn't seem right to me, but maybe it has some
use somewhere in the system.

>    1. There is bubble help for "reginald's bubble" but it is blank. there
>    is no bubble help for say or think
> I couldn't make the balloon help for reginald's bubble appear, I'm sorry.
Regarding the balloon help for the tiles, I tend to not write the balloon
helps. You'll notice none of the graphing tools tiles has a balloon help. At
first, I leave it blank with the idea of writing it later (because writing
in english takes me some time, I need to check the dictionary several times,
and I just want to focus on what I'm doing) but later I just don't do it
because of lazyness :P
Anyway, I'll try to write something...

>    1. I dragged two say tiles into a script and got Etoys "hung", not even
>    CMD-. saved me ;)
> I couldn't reproduce this behavior.

>    1. If I create a script to say "Thanks Ricardo" execute it, move the
>    bubble then execute the script again, the bubble stays in the same spot. But
>    if I change the text in the scripting tile to "Thanks" and execute it, the
>    bubble moves.
>    2. The setting of the bubble's X and Y in the script seems to behave
>    strangely (done by dragging Reginald's X and Y into the Script Editor, then
>    dragging the "reginald's bubble" tile to replace "reginald" in the scripting
>    tile.:
>       1. If I increase X by 50 and run the script it seems to have no
>       effect. But if I run the script again it moves (may be related to 5 in that
>       if I change the text and run again it has no effect).
> The two are related I think, although I couldn't reproduce the latter.
Anyway, I fixed it. Now when the bubble is attached to a morph you can't
move it.

>    1. The "Speech Bubble" has "bubble" category in the viewer, which has:
>       1. "attach to | punto" (which attaches it to a dot, which is hidden
>       in the upper left).  Is this meant to allow setting of the attachment point?
>       I was able to change it to attach to another object in a script.
>       2. "stop attaching" - which lets you move the graphic, w/o having
>       the "Speech Bubble" move.  But once you stop attaching, how do you
>       "re-attach" to the graphic?
> The "attach to" command attachs it to the hidden dot when you don't specify
any object. It's supposed to let you attach the bubble to any object once
you stop attaching. This is useful when you grab a bubble from the Object
catalog because the bubble is not attached to any object (as opposed to
executing the "say" command)

> Perhaps, having a "bubble tail" length and "bubble tail" angle, would work.
> To allow the positioning of the Speech Bubble.

Because of the way I made the bubble, these suggestions doesn't seem very
easy to implement. It's not that I'm too lazy to do it :) but if you
*really* think we should be able to change the bubble tail, I'll do it.

>  You could also have an "Offset x" and "Offset y" to modify the default
> attachment point.

These won't be so difficult I think.

> All that said I think I am leaning toward the simple Say and think, which I
> think are great additions in and of themselves without the extras.

Simple seems to always be the best choice :)

Thanks for all the comments Steve!


> Stephen
> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 4:34 PM, Ricardo Moran <richi.moran at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Last week Randall proposed to add "say" and "think" tiles just like
>> Scratch. I've been working on that and I made a simple project for you to
>> test it: http://tecnodacta.com.ar/gira/gsoc/NedroidComic2.029.pr.
>> I added the "say/think" commands and a slot with the current bubble, thus
>> allowing the user to make scripts with it. You can find the new tiles in the
>> "gsoc" category (I don't know which category would be most appropriate,
>> maybe "miscellaneous"?).
>> In addition to making the bubbles pop up using the "say/think" tiles I
>> also put the bubbles in the Object Catalog as separate objects. You can
>> resize them, change their message, rotate them, change their color, etc. You
>> can find them in the "GSoC" category (again, I'm not sure where to put them,
>> the "graphics" category seems appropriate I think). They include a "bubble"
>> category with commands to attach the bubble to a morph and a slot to see the
>> current attachment.
>> Anyway, I think this is a great addition but I need your opinions before
>> uploading it to Etoys, so any comment would be greatly appreciated :)
>> Thanks in advance!
>> Richo
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