[squeakland] Charts (was: New Graphing Tools)

Ricardo Moran richi.moran at gmail.com
Mon Oct 17 11:07:46 EDT 2011

On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 11:25 AM, Steve Thomas <sthomas1 at gosargon.com>wrote:
>>>    - How can you set the arrow head for the negative direction?
>>> Well, you can't :). But that's easy to fix. I don't remember who did but
>> someone told me that the axis with the two arrow heads was confusing because
>> it is supposed to point to the direction of positive infinity, but I always
>> thought the arrows represent the axis going on forever, so I removed the
>> negative arrow head at the time. I don't really know what is the correct
>> meaning of the arrow heads but I could add a preference to turn the negative
>> on/off.
> I like the preference, with the default set to negative off.

Actually, I just realized you don't need the preference. You can just open
the menu of the arrow (by clicking twice on the number line) and there
you'll find the option "<->" and other ways to customize your arrow :)

It's quite hidden so if you prefer I'll make the preference anyway.


>> Cheers,
>> Richo
>>> Stephen
>>> On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 8:16 PM, Ricardo Moran <richi.moran at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Hi guys, I'm trying again with the graphing tools. It's been a while
>>>> since I worked on this (sorry about that) but I really want to see them
>>>> integrated.
>>>> So now I'm following Bert's suggestions and I'm trying with a less
>>>> general approach: I'm not introducing a new scale on top of the existing
>>>> one, instead I just added a "current object" slot on the number lines, and a
>>>> "current object position in chart" slot that transforms from squeak's pixel
>>>> to the number line scale and viceversa.
>>>> The implementation is much simpler than before but it's more
>>>> uncomfortable IMHO. I think it would be best to have two "transform"
>>>> functions accepting a number as argument and returning it transformed from
>>>> one scale to the other. Unfortunately, it seems Etoys doesn't support this
>>>> kind of functions nicely, all the examples I could find (such as
>>>> #color:sees:) seem to be a little hacked and I wasn't sure if following that
>>>> path was the right way to proceed.
>>>> I think the best would be for you to test it and tell me what you think.
>>>> I'm attaching a project with the new number lines.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Richo
>>>> P.S. I also renamed the project to Charts as Bert suggested
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