[UI] Fwd: [Newbies] PluggableTextMorph and rubberband

Jason Johnson jason.johnson.081 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 4 18:00:06 UTC 2007

On 9/4/07, Bill Schwab <BSchwab at anest.ufl.edu> wrote:
> Gary,
> I just remember it was (apparently) not easy to get it to do what I
> wanted :)  I bow to your theory on the mechanism.  Anyone wanting to
> beat me to it is most welcome, but if creating a custom tool builder
> means what I think it means, I would be willing to take a crack at
> making a themed IDE.  It would be a significant proof of concept, and
> would make Squeak that much easier for me to (ab)use in daily work.

If you're going to make a new IDE could I persuade you to take a quick
look at InteliJ?  Most of the benefits of that IDE come from Smalltalk
ideas, but the thing I really like about it is that all the extra
information is on a flaps type place.  On all 4 sides are some flaps
that show different things (e.g. project view, class view, chat with
other developers, maven build view, etc.), which you can open to that
side of the IDE, or close them all for a full screen view of the code.

I can imagine using the Smalltalk browser in a similar fashion with
the Project name, Class names, method names, debugger, method finder,
some kind of dependency view, all visible from collapsible tabs.  Just
a thought.  It's always easy to have ideas when you're not the one
doing them of course. :)  But one thing to take out of it is, it would
be nice if the GUI builder lets us make things "flap like" somehow.
Did Dolphin have something like that?

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