[UI] We haven't discussed Host windows yet

tim Rowledge tim at rowledge.org
Thu Sep 6 17:19:57 UTC 2007

On 6-Sep-07, at 9:34 AM, Gary Chambers wrote:

> Welsh, of course, for "Platform Windows"...


No, the bit I'd like restated more clearly is what
>> but found it tricky to
>> choose how to
>> present (in-squeak or hosted).
I'm not sure what you mean about 'choosing how to present', for  
example. Nor can I understand why it may be tricky until I have some  
idea what choice you refer to and what it affects.

Ffenestri simply provides the lowest level of support in the image  
and VM to allow creation and manipulation of host windows. We left it  
as open ended as possible so that later users could choose what use  
to make of them. For example, using an undecorated window might be a  
good way to allow proper popup menus even in OS/UIs where they  
haven't advanced to that capability yet. To make meaningful use of  
Ffenestri someone will need to do quite a bit of work in the image in  
order to avoid the current assumptions about there being a single  
global object called Display that is a bitmap. Tweak has some of that  
already worked out; perhaps it can be used as an exemplar for that  
change. Another good possibility in my opinion would be to leverage  
the work the Sophie project has done to use Cairo as a reasonably  
portable backend for rendering the graphics.

tim Rowledge; tim at rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
Klingon Code Warrior:- 7) "You question the worthiness of my Code?! I  
should kill you where you stand!"

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