[UI] Well, shall we do something then?

Brad Fuller bradallenfuller at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 9 23:14:55 UTC 2007

On Sun September 9 2007, you wrote:
> IMO asking who the users are is ALWAYS a valid question...

Well... if it's a user interface for Squeak, then the user's ultimately can be 
every type of user. Don't get me wrong, Gary. Being a product manager, 3rd on 
my PRD process is: 

3. Define user profile.

which is before:

5. Prototype and test product concept

But, when a general user interface is being designed, the user is really: 

Other things are more important than who the user is. Please show me where I 
am wrong. Can you give me an example of what you are thining about, because 
we may be talking about two different things.


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