[UI] ToolBuilder

Colin Putney cputney at wiresong.ca
Mon Sep 10 19:06:50 UTC 2007

On Sep 10, 2007, at 8:52 AM, tim Rowledge wrote:

>> I'm not familiar with Dolphin but this reminds me of the value/ 
>> value: mess in VisualWorks where all you ever saw is value sends.  
>> This is indeed rather flexible but I have the impression that  
>> Squeak's "pluggables" enhance readability and debuggability.
> I'd say that the MVP stuff is using the adaptor pattern; have the  
> views use value/value: and make the P (?) handle converting that to  
> anything your main model uses. I must admit that in general I find  
> it easier to follow the pluggablview approach where the adaptor  
> code is simply included in the view's protocol. It all works out  
> the same in the end.

It's only the same in the trivial case where the adaptor just holds a  
unary selector causes the model to perform it. As Igor pointed out, a  
more elaborate adaptor can do more interesting things if need be. If  
PluggableListMorphs used adaptors instead of selectors for  
pluggability, they would be able to handle the "chasing senders"  
example with a single model.


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