[V3dot10] Re: 3.10

Keith Hodges keith_hodges at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Dec 14 16:37:06 UTC 2006

Ralph Johnson wrote:
> It is important to keep SUnit for Squeak compatible with SUnit for
> VisualWorks and other Smalltalks.  It won't be identical, of course,
> but it should be fairly easy to write tests that run on any version of
> Smalltalk, once you get past the problem of actually reading them in.
> That is why messing with SUnit makes me nervous.  The version we have
> is pretty standard
> -Ralph
Indeed, I would not expect to break anything, after all many of us have 
been using SUnit for a very long time now.

However looking at the current code there are plethora of methods whose 
purpose is to assemble a test suite based upon the 'test*' criteria 
which is effectively hard coded. Given the amount of code there was is 
little flexibility offered to the end user or test coder. All I have 
done is a refactoring that makes it easy to define specialised test 
suites, AND have the UI fully support this concept (subject to user 
feedback etc).

As an additional feature which I have not used before I added the 
ability to define a test suite based upon the method category. I did 
this because SSpec uses the method category 'specs' to define its 
specifications (tests). Making both options available in a flexible form 
is a step towards integrating SSpec and SUnit to be able to use the same 

Another example of my use of this facility is to define a specialised 
test suite for the purpose of checking a deployed system. I used to have 
a development platform and a deployment platform. The 'deployment' test 
suite is intended to ensure that the deployment platform is correctly 
configured for 'in the field use'. It does not make sense to have those 
tests failing on the development platform. Also if there is more than 
one type of deployment scenario, different deployment test suites may apply.

best regards


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