[V3dot10] Gamma?

Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Sat Dec 15 12:47:35 UTC 2007

El 12/15/07 9:24 AM, "Keith Hodges" <keith_hodges at yahoo.co.uk> escribió:

> And I would point out this was your idea!
This was one year ago. Now I think different

> Universes does NOT provide this ability, it just loads packages, it doesnt
> have any features for
> building images for practical purposes.
I never said some different of this.

> In good faith, I spent 2 weeks attempting to get universes into a state so
> that I could use it to create the image that I wanted for my current WebStore
> project. This was 2 weeks of wasted time, which I could have better spent
> writing an Installer script to do the same thing. I.e. Installer uses
> Universes, not the other way around. Universes is just one piece in the
> building puzzle, it does not have the big picture.

And I was working for a year now. Period

For the rest , you could send mail to Ralph saying he should fire me.

Or direct to Board.

Until some of this happened , I should do my business, like you or not

And I don 't reply any other mail.


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