[V3dot10] Re: testing packages

Lex Spoon lex at lexspoon.org
Tue Jun 12 21:22:54 UTC 2007

"Ralph Johnson" <johnson at cs.uiuc.edu> writes:
> Second, the more packages, the better.  Please suggest packages in PU
> that I should use as test cases.  Packages without any tests aren't
> that useful.  It is Ok for packages to have failing tests, but the
> packages shouldn't crash or ask for input. See
> http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/5987     Note that GamesTests is a
> package that is just tests, but it depends on a package of games so
> when you load it, you load the games that it tests.  This is a good
> way to provide tests when you don't want to always include the tests
> with the application.

Universes has 4 test classes, and I see there is a
MailAddressParserTest that probably comes in with Network-Mail Reader.

Instead of having you manage these manually, though, how about we set
up a registry of available tests?  Then when a package loads, it could
register its tests.


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