[V3dot10] Requesting v3dot10 permission to change the status of mantis reports

Jerome Peace peace_the_dreamer at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 17 20:03:52 UTC 2007

v3dot10 permission to change the status of mantis

Hi Ralph, Hi Edgar,

After I put 200 reoports on mantis I ask Ken to
upgrade my mantis status.

Which he was kind enough to do and I now have status
as a developer.

This gives me the power (but not the permission) to
change the status of my reports (and others) and to
set relations between reports.

To have permission I have to ask you to delegate some
authority to me.

Basicly I am asking for v3dot10 release team
membership status to allow me enough authority to deal
with the status of Mantis reports as I deem useful and

Right now that includes:

Resolving my reports. (I have authority for this
already according to Ken)
Resolving reports that are (in my judgement) NOT bugs.
I would do this conservatively. I.E. the report would
have to be pretty obviously not a bug to have its
status changed.

My policy on closing a bug is that it should spend
about a month at least in the resolved state (where a
reporter can reopen it) before it goes into the closed
state (which inhibits reopening for reporters.) 
Basicly I expect to make mistakes and I want those
mistakes to generate feedback rather than frustration.
I expect to learn from any misjudgements and make
better judgements as time goes on.

To mark  resolved any bugs that have been included in
the image but not marked resolved by others on the
release team. (Once they are in they should lose their
new status for clarity sake.) The same month delay
would apply to closing them.

To mark closed any report that has been marked
resolved for over a month.

To marked bugs confirmed if I test them and they prove

I am also adding relationships amoung bugs and
starting parent reports for bugs I think need to be
grouped together.  No one has questioned this. Still
it would be nice to have official authority to
continue doing this. It is extremely useful when doing
research on a new problem.

So I feel like I've come to the point where the Wizard
of 0z is supposed to hand out the diploma or the watch
or the badge of courage and say by the power vested in
me by the Emerald city go forth and do what you have
always been able to do.

Would you give me a verbal ok to exercise this
authority on behalf of the release team?

Yours in curiosity and service, --Jerome Peace

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