[V3dot10] testing and Package Universe

Ralph Johnson johnson at cs.uiuc.edu
Wed May 2 11:37:46 UTC 2007

I would like to make a system for regression testing based on Package Universe.

Each configuration of packages will be in Package Universe.  Some of
them, like squeak-dev and squeak-web, will be standard configurations.
 Others might be just for testing.

A regression test consists of starting an image, loading the changes
that you want to test, loading a package, running all tests, and
printing the result to a file.

A regression test suite consists of doing this for a set of different
packages, resulting in a directory full of results.  The results are
in HTML and the directory is on the web, so anybody can see which
packages have problems with the changes.

I have a class that prints out test results.  Everything else can be
done with Installer, Package Universe, and SUnit.  The reguression
test suite will be a shell script that works on my Mac.

I've run some tests on various packages and lots of them have tests
that fail.  So, it would take some work to get a clean regression
test.  But this seems to be a lot easier than the alternatives, and it
encourages further development of existing projects rather than
starting something new.

Suppose we had a dozen packages that ran all the tests, including
squeak-dev and squeak-web.   Suppose KernelImage could also run all
the tests.  Wouldn't this be proof that KernelImage was good enough to
use as the standard image?


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