[V3dot10] Going to beta ?

Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Sat May 12 15:36:29 UTC 2007

El 5/12/07 12:16 PM, "Ralph Johnson" <johnson at cs.uiuc.edu> escribió:

> My interpretation of "going to beta" means that we stop adding
> features and just fix bugs.  I am in favor.
> There is only one more feature that I want to add.  This is a change
> to the VersionsBrowser.  You can see an early version of it at
> http://swiki.cs.uiuc.edu/cs598rej/315
> In brief, the idea is to change the way source code is represented.
> Right now the .sources file has the "original" version of each method,
> and the .changes file has all the versions since then.   We have
> modified this with a history database, which contains versions of
> methods OLDER than the .sources file.  So, the .changes file still has
> all the versions since the .sources file.  Most of the system has not
> changed.  Only the versions browser changed.  However, this will let
> us condense all changes into the .sources file WITHOUT losing any
> history.
> Edgar, we will deliver this feature as a MC file, so you don't have to
> convert a .cs to a .MCZ.  In fct, I can make the final alpha release
> if you don't want to.
> One of the features of the new versions browser that doesn't yet work
> is for the history database to be remote.  Right now, the history
> database is a directory of files, one for each class in the database.
> My plan was for this to be put on a server and that people who didn't
> need to browse version history very often, or who were short on disk
> space, could just use the remote version.  That doesn't work yet,
> though it might work in a few days.  However, everything else seems to
> work, though it hasn't been tested very much.
> Here is what I am thinking.  For our final alpha image, we will
> provide a history database, a new .sources file, and a completely
> empty changes file.  During the beta process, we will keep using the
> history database and the .sources file, (unless we discover something
> wrong with them).  Then, for the final 3.10 release, we will once
> again rebuild the history database and .sources file, and have an
> empty changes file.
> The 3.9 team ran out of space in the .changes file and had to condense
> changes, losing some history.   It would be cool to go back and
> recover that history and put it in the history database.
> Even cooler, we could go back and get all the history in Squeak 1 and
> Squeak 2, so we could have a complete history of all code that had
> ever been in the Squeak image.  This would only require changing the
> history database, not changing anything in the image, so it is outside
> the official 3.10 release process.  If we don't have time to work on
> it earlier, we could work on it after 3.10 is over.
> The new versions browser has a much nicer way of representing the
> sources than what Squeak currently has.  We should considering
> refactoring Squeak to use these classes everywhere.  However, I am
> opposed to doing that in 3.10.   We should use the new versions
> browser and debug these classes.  Once these classes are mature than
> we can change other tools to use them, perhaps in 3.11 or 3.12.
> This work was done by Maurice Rabb and Navodit Kaushik as a class
> project for my course on OO programming and design.  Navodit will be
> the first to admit that Maurice was the leader on this project.  He is
> a long-time Smalltalker who is just starting grad school at UIUC and
> you can expect to hear a lot from him in the future!
> So, here is a summary of my proposal.  I want to know what you think about it!
> We will make the final 3.10 alpha be to add the new versions browser,
> and the final alpha image will have a new history database, a new
> .sources file and an empty changes file.  If you update your old image
> to have all the changes then you will still have the old .sources file
> and the old .changes file and the history database won't be much use
> to you.  We might not have the remote history database working.  We
> should be able to do this within a week.
> During the beta period we will just fix bugs.  One of those bugs might
> be the fact that the remote history database doesn't work.
> The final 3.10 release will have a new .sources file and a new history
> database.
> -Ralph
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Total agree. Amaze of close thinking .
I do some similar a time ago, of course not as good.
Could be viewed at ftp://squeakros.atspace.com/, I send user and pass if you
I don't have the luck of you have my physical teacher, only the luck of work
with you now.
I want all what you Maurice and Navodit wish share with me !
I have a "normal classes" database and a "compressed classes" database,
As you could see , this was of 3.8 times and could be useful today.

And I wish work. Never I said otherwise !. Only wish a few fun...


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