[V3dot10] finishing up 3.10

Ralph Johnson johnson at cs.uiuc.edu
Thu Oct 4 16:10:42 UTC 2007

It looks like the recusive font bug is fixed.  This means that I can
test packages again.   See http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/5987

Note that to get those results, I had to file into the patches at
http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=6520 and

There are some funny things about these tests.  For example, loading
the Units package seems to fix a lot of errors!  Note that the "none"
package (i.e. running tests in an image that doesn't have any packages
loaded) has a lot more failing tests than the Units package.  This is
easy to verify, but I haven't figured out why it is happening.

Two of the packages (NewCompiler and eCompletion) give a warning when
they are loaded.  Each claims to require another package, but I don't
know which package.  NewCompiler seems to work anyway, but eCompletion

I can use help.  One way is to fix any of these bugs.  The other is to
suggest packages that I should add to my list.  For example, tell me
which packages in squeak-dev work.


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