[V3dot10] Doing updates

Keith Hodges keith_hodges at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Feb 11 14:11:37 UTC 2008

> Folks:
> I wish start 3.11 with my proposal .
Dear Edgar,

I consider that as soon as you "start 3.11" you are starting a process. 
There is an important question as to whether that process includes or 
excludes others from participating.

As soon as you say "I start 3.11" you are starting a process which I do 
not feel that I can be involved in because the process itself excludes 
others from taking an active role. This process is slow and has a major 
bottleneck, since only one person is working on the end result.
Using LevelPlayingField and other items, I have proposed a better way, 
one in which several activities can be carried out in parallel and 
integrated. One activity is improving the image shrinking, a second is 
harvesting useful fixes, there are many more.
> Mail of Masashi Umezawa remember us updates go to Mantis and some should be
> done.
> Until DS or MC2 was ready, the only choice is continue Ralph designed
> procedure.
This is definitely not the only choice. These fixes can be placed in 
level playing field for those that want or need them. Why not join in 
with this work and contribute to the bigger picture? For example you 
already have knowledge of how to clean the image up, so you could 
contribute to the "Clean" script, and the "Test" script on LevelPlaying 
field has yet to be written.




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