[V3dot10] A Quick 3.10.1

Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Fri May 9 20:51:25 UTC 2008

El 5/9/08 3:19 PM, "Ken Causey" <ken at kencausey.com> escribió:

> Keith Hodges pointed out a couple of issues on IRC and I created reports
> for them in the ToDo category on Mantis in the Squeak project.  In the
> Product Version field of each I have chosen 3.10 and either in the
> summary or description or both I reference a hypothetical 3.10.1.  The
> current issues are
> http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=7035
> http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=7036
> You will notice in 7035 that I explicitly request a 3.10.1 by May 26th.
> I also volunteer to take care of making this happen if you find you
> can't do it for some reason.  I would appreciate hearing the release
> teams opinion on such a plan by Monday are Tuesday if at all possible
> (12th and 13th).
> I chose a date two weeks from Monday to also give us time to collect
> reports on other annoying but easy to fix issues in 3.10.  As I
> understand there has also been a request for a fuller Welcome with
> examples of 'cool code'.  I've not been following that discussion in
> detail and so if someone is more familiar with it, please create a ToDo
> report similar to what I have done above.

I full agree, could read reports and work this weekend for doing a better

About the Welcome Window, remember I send several mails about this and Serge
do a page on Swiki.

Stephane Rollandin have a good point.
I think some is broken for a while for have links to internal code works as
was in 3.8, so I follow his example and try to see if a Mantis report exist
or do one if not.
About 'cool code' I not very sure , try to email he as he agree on have his
project into FunSqueak.

I add some old I have and work on images having Network-HTML-md.4.mcz
3.10 don't have, but have how parse XML.
Maybe we could have some up to day thing like this which show simple text
.html pages on base Squeak.
People could read swiki without a full browser and without leave Squeak....
Re - reading this , I remember pirate taking Squeak once...

> There have also been calls to release a FunSqueak and relabeling it as
> Full Squeak.  There is no reason of course that it needs to be released
> on a rush schedule and I suggest basing it on a 'fixed' 3.10.1 rather
> than the slightly flawed 3.10.

Well, I very happy all agree we must have a image with all possible things.
This is not a priority, we need more feedback and complains about the alpha
image is on ftp site now.
And yes, we need rebuild it on top a polished basic image.
Possible we need many changes, as I said to Serge in dev list, the game
start is people turn to move.
Welcome to board, I need people like you with deep background and from time
to time saying I doing wrong.

Be patient with old donkey...:=)


-------------- next part --------------
'From SqueakLight of 16 August 2006 [latest update: #429] on 9 May 2008 at 5:34:36 pm'!
ScrollableField subclass: #HTMLScrollableField
	instanceVariableNames: 'visitedUrls'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SqueakRos'!

!HTMLScrollableField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'edc 12/29/2005 11:56'!
	"Answer the value of visitedUrls"

	^ visitedUrls! !

!HTMLScrollableField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'edc 12/29/2005 11:56'!
visitedUrls: anObject
	"Set the value of visitedUrls"

	visitedUrls _ anObject! !

!HTMLScrollableField methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'edc 9/30/2006 09:51'!
jumpToUrl: url

| stream aText root last  thisPage |
last := (visitedUrls at: 1) lastIndexOf: $/.
root := (visitedUrls at: 1) copyFrom: 1 to: last.
last :=  (url lastIndexOf: $/) + 1.
thisPage :=  (url copyFrom: last to: url size).
thisPage := root ,thisPage.
	stream := (HTTPSocket httpGet: thisPage  accept: 'application/octet-stream') contents.
	aText := (HtmlParser parse: stream) formattedText.
	self setMyText: aText.
	self visitedUrls add: thisPage.
	! !

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

HTMLScrollableField class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!HTMLScrollableField class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'edc 12/29/2005 11:57'!
	| newInstance r |
	newInstance := self newStandAlone.
		color: (Color
				r: 0.972
				g: 0.972
				b: 0.662).
	r := Rectangle
				left: World left + 50
				right: World right - 50
				top: World top + 100
				bottom: World bottom - 50.
	newInstance bounds: r.
	newInstance visitedUrls: OrderedCollection new.
	^ newInstance! !

!HTMLScrollableField class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'edc 9/23/2006 15:47'!
	"HTMLScrollableField help"
	| stream aText sf |
	stream := (HTTPSocket httpGet: 'http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/5871' accept: 'application/octet-stream') contents.
	aText := (HtmlParser parse: stream) formattedText.
	sf := HTMLScrollableField default.
	sf setMyText: aText.
	sf visitedUrls add: 'http://www.worldwideschool.org/library/books/lit/sciencefiction/TheMysteriousIsland/'.
	^sf openInWorld! !

!HTMLScrollableField class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'edc 5/12/2006 12:08'!
	"HTMLScrollableField isla"
	| stream aText sf |
	stream := (HTTPSocket httpGet: 'http://www.worldwideschool.org/library/books/lit/sciencefiction/TheMysteriousIsland/chap1.html' accept: 'application/octet-stream') contents.
	aText := (HtmlParser parse: stream) formattedText.
	sf := HTMLScrollableField default.
	sf setMyText: aText.
	sf visitedUrls add: 'http://www.worldwideschool.org/library/books/lit/sciencefiction/TheMysteriousIsland/'.
	^sf openInWorld! !

!HTMLScrollableField class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'edc 9/28/2006 12:13'!
url: url
	| stream aText sf |
	stream := (HTTPSocket httpGet: url  accept: 'application/octet-stream') contents.
	aText := (HtmlParser parse: stream) formattedText.
	sf := HTMLScrollableField default.
	sf setMyText: aText.
	sf visitedUrls add: url.
	^sf openInWorld! !

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