Defining the damn 3.9 process! (was Re: SqueakFoundation money)

Cees De Groot cdegroot at
Fri Dec 9 14:09:50 UTC 2005

On 12/9/05, Adrian Lienhard <adi at> wrote:
> ok, now, who does lead the investigation and reports possible options
> so that we can decide what to do? Cees?
Ken is probably the right person to do this, because he has the most
Mantis knowledge and thus can translate any wishes directly in terms
of what Mantis can and can't do.

Ken: I'm not sure whether you are a member of v3dot9 but the idea is
that we want to track Mantis bugs from stewards team to inbox to
integration team to integrated - Adrian wrote a bit on that so it's in
the archives; the idea is to translate this to a Mantis flow and ask
Impara to make any necessary changes. Only if they say no, we will
look at an alternative process e.g. based on Swiki's. Would you be
willing to help there?

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