
Cees De Groot cdegroot at
Sat Dec 10 19:46:47 UTC 2005

First, thanks for Ken (cc'ed) for sharing his Mantis knowledge - it's
good that someone can translate our theorizing into practical
configuration stuff :-).

Mantis -> (Janitors assign) -> Stewards team

that bit is clear (anyone good with chisel and marmor so we can
engrave this in stone?).

Goran and I just discussed on IRC (20:30 MET, check the logs) how to
take it from there. I was wondering a bit about pushing the bugs
through the release team, because it seemed to me like administrative
work. And it's not necessary, we feel.

Stewards team fixes bug:
- Save MC version, commenting which Mantis bug was solved.
- Close Mantis bug, noting the MC version that has the bug fix.

Stewards team is proud of another day/week/... of bugfixing:
- Pushes latest MC version(s) to inbox.

Release team goes to work:
- Integrates inbox versions
- Pushes out updates and new image.

In other words, the release team is not involved with Mantis at all.
It would be an extra burden on that team, and there's no necessity iff
the Stewards do the bookkeeping: note the mantis bug number in the MC
comment, not the MC version in the Mantis comment. If they do it
structured ("Mantis #1234", "MC Files-CdG.1.mcz") we could even whip
up a tool to browse Mantis, Inbox and update stream to track progress
(and a hall of shame for bugs/MC versions that aren't linked ;-)). I
think that requiring teams to structure their comments a little bit is
a whole lot lighter than requiring the Stewards team to handle
basically *all* Mantis bugs.

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