
Cees De Groot cdegroot at
Tue Dec 13 08:13:41 UTC 2005

On 12/13/05, Adrian Lienhard <adi at> wrote:
> Cees can you live with this? ;-). I mean, if this turns out to be
> really a big burden on the release team we can still change it later on.
Sure. It'll give me bragging rights... ("told you so..."). ;-)

So, the Stewards teams basically set a bug to "resolved". Then when
they want to submit a number of fixes to the inbox, they go through
the history, copy and paste all the mantis references they find into a
new version (...) that is stored into inbox (yes, I'm spelling out
here that you are creating superfluous versions with superfluous
comments by a process called 'manual labor' ;-)).

Then, whoever integrates the bug, opens the MC, copy and pastes all
the mantis references he finds, and just closes all the bugs. At
least, if the thing integrates correctly.

Of course, this is only for the 'stewards' teams. For 'third-party'
teams, like, say, ToolBuilder, Monticello, you just accept whatever
gets in? Or must this procedure be enforced to anyone who maintains
any package that is in 3.9a?

(yes, from my writing you can easily tell that I emphatically do *not*
like this procedure. but, hey, if it makes people happy, who am I to
stand in their way? I would use the simple procedure and spend a
single night on writing a cross-referencing tool instead, but if I
can't convince people of a simpler procedure and they want to do all
the extra work, fine)

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