The 3.9 update stream

Doug Way dway at
Tue Mar 22 03:28:11 UTC 2005

On Monday, March 21, 2005, at 02:51 AM, stéphane ducasse wrote:

>> I'd like to stick to my plan of using the unstable stream, which I 
>> guess I need to formalize and post on the 3.9 wiki page.  But it's 
>> not too complicated, we'll just use the unstable stream, and then 
>> periodically move updates to the regular stream (which is easy, and I 
>> can do at first).
> yes
> Now my question is that how do we restart, take a 3.8 image and how do 
> we mark it as 3.9 alpha?
> Because we need to do that to replay the changes or should we rename 
> the changes first?

Er, well, I don't think you would want to take a current 3.8gamma image 
and mark it as 3.9alpha, they have forked too far apart at this point 
I'd say.  (And I'm not sure why you would need to do that.)  The main 
difference is that 3.9alpha contains the Diego look changes, although I 
suppose there are probably not too many other changes.

If you want a fresh 3.9alpha image, I would just grab it from the ftp 
site.  Or, get an older 3.8beta image and update.

(I suppose someone could create a set of updates which would update a 
current/final 3.8 to be equivalent to a current 3.9alpha, but I'm not 
sure it's worth it.)

Anyway, what were you trying to do? :-)

- Doug

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