about squeak size

Marcus Denker denker at iam.unibe.ch
Sat Feb 11 12:50:49 UTC 2006

On 11.02.2006, at 13:41, stéphane ducasse wrote:

> Hi edgar and pavel
> I removed a lot of classes from Squeak3.9 and I arrived to  
> something like 1400.
> however after several GC and cache flushing I only gained a couple  
> of MB. From 17Mb to 16Mb.
> I wanted to know where you got a big win to get down to 6 Mb

You should clean out the changesets... they hold on to the  
compiledmethods, which is huge...
Another thing to do is to run the releasebuilder scripts, e.g. remove  
undeclareds, compact
Symboltable and things like that.


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