[V3dot9] Re: About TrueType.ar-4

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at gmx.de
Thu Jul 13 00:14:45 UTC 2006

Ah, yes, that one. This is another one of those fixes that I have no 
idea what it is good for. The change in TT-md.2 puts a space glyph at 
the code point for (Character value: 1) which is an unprintable.

Why this change is good for, I really don't know. The package version 
info only says "SmallLand" (which probably means it was a byproduct of 
some other changes), the code itself has no comment indicating what this 
change would do. So I'd opt for leaving it out and request that (if this 
is indeed an issue for someone) there be a bug report submitted to 
explain the issue. I strongly suspect it's just a left-over.

   - Andreas

stéphane ducasse wrote:
> hi andreas
> I saw that you published a new TT package to fix the underscore.
> However I do not know if I saw that TT-md.2 contains SmallLand changes.
> If you just changed the _ I could do it from md.2
> So let me know.
> Stef

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