Cross platform plugin dev

tim Rowledge tim at
Sat Nov 19 00:33:37 UTC 2005

On 18-Nov-05, at 2:08 PM, Brad Fuller wrote:

> I'm going thru the unix configuration doc and files to learn how it  
> is configured for unix development.
> However, what if you have only Cross platform plugin files? They  
> would go into the Cross subdirs.
Correct. Take a look at plugins like RePlugin and SurfacePlugin. The  
arrangement is explained in the swiki - 
squeak/2105 - and do please let me know of anything that isn't clear  
so I can try to improve it.

> What have others done to create and build plugins that are cross  
> platform?
Since pretty much all the plugins are cross platform I'm a touch  
puzzled by your question.

> Do you create your own hand-made Makefile (etc)?
If a plugin is added to the distribution then all platforms that can  
make use of it will need some changes to their makefiles or  
equivalent. In the case of simple plugins Ian's assorted config  
scripts might be able to work out all the details for unix systems  
and for RISC OS I can trivially add a rule, which covers pretty much  
the extremes of clever automakers and simple manual ones.

tim Rowledge; tim at;

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