[Vm-dev] Finding ip address for eth0?

John M McIntosh johnmci at smalltalkconsulting.com
Wed Aug 26 22:18:05 UTC 2009

Sure well

NetNameResolver localHostName
gives me


NetNameResolver addressesForName: 'Otter-2.local'
gives me back a collection with 6 addresses, but you are saying for
your machine you only get back 1 address?  Lucky you, but will your  
production machine
give back one address, or 23?

I think here the problem is your machine is returning  
Oddly on os-x asking for NetNameResolver addressForName:  
gives you a primitive failure.

Also as you saw, my localHostName is 'Otter-2.local' which is the  
boujour name http://support.apple.com/kb/TA20999?viewlocale=en_US

Maybe the question is does your computer have a DNS assigned name?

In Pharo  Ian's code  is below, note how the  
SocketAddressInformation>>forHost:... iterates to get all the socket  

addressesForName: hostName
	"NetNameResolver addressesForName: 'impara.de' "
	| adresses |
	adresses := SocketAddressInformation
		forHost: hostName
		service: ''
		flags: 0
		addressFamily: 0
		socketType: SocketAddressInformation socketTypeStream
		protocol: SocketAddressInformation protocolTCP.

SocketAddressInformation >>forHost: hostName service: servName flags:  
flags addressFamily: family socketType: type protocol: protocol

	| result addr |
	NetNameResolver initializeNetwork.
	NetNameResolver primGetAddressInfoHost: hostName service: servName  
flags: flags family: family type: type protocol: protocol.
	result := OrderedCollection new.
	[(addr := NetNameResolver nextSocketAddressInformation) notNil]  
whileTrue: [result add: addr].

On 26-Aug-09, at 2:57 PM, Andreas Raab wrote:

> John M McIntosh wrote:
>> NetNameResolver addressesForName: self localHostName
> This doesn't work at all for me. In fact it's not even asking the  
> right question ;-) Using the 3.10-6 VM with an Etoys-dev image I get  
> this:
> NetNameResolver localHostName
>  => 'localhost.localdomain'
> NetNameResolver addressesForName: NetNameResolver localHostName
>  =>,0(0)-inet4-stream-tcp
> I'm not surprised with the result because you are asking DNS to  
> resolve localhost.localdomain which is different from asking the  
> question of what IP addresses are assigned to the various interfaces  
> in your system.
> I thought Bert said that there is a way to enumerate the IP  
> addresses of the interfaces?
> Cheers,
>  - Andreas

John M. McIntosh <johnmci at smalltalkconsulting.com>   Twitter:   
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.  http://www.smalltalkconsulting.com

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