[Vm-dev] Re: [squeak-dev] [ANN] VMMaker metacello config for Squeak and Pharo

Torsten Bergmann astares at gmx.de
Mon Feb 8 10:26:57 UTC 2010

Andreas wrote:
>I am not interesting in arguing. 


>Things seem to have improved significantly from when I last looked at it, 
>which is good news.

Yes. I will try to keep this separate metacello config for vmmaker maintained,
but as I said I need a minimal support from vm-maintainers side to get notified 
when load order or packages change. Thanks in advance!

David wrote:
>I'm also happy to see the Metacello support, because it will make
>VMMaker more accessible from images that do use Metacello.

Thank you. Yes that was the goal. If a project is easy accessible more
people are able to use it or learn or help.  


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