[Vm-dev] [ENH] A better finalization support (VM & language side)

Levente Uzonyi leves at elte.hu
Mon Mar 8 22:44:14 UTC 2010

On Mon, 8 Mar 2010, Igor Stasenko wrote:

> Please, review the
> http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=7473
> There are two sets of changesets - one for vmmaker and other is for
> language-side.
> A VMMaker changeset is based on VMMaker-dtl.159.
> Here the little benchmark, between old and new weak registries:
> { WeakRegistry. WeakFinalizationRegistry } collect: [:class |
>   | registry weaklings time1 time2 |
>   registry := class new.
>   WeakArray removeWeakDependent: registry.
>   weaklings := (1 to: 100000) collect: [:i | Object new ].
>   time1 := [ weaklings do: [:each | registry add: each ] ] timeToRun.
>   weaklings at: 100 put: nil.
>   Smalltalk garbageCollect; garbageCollect.
>   time2 := [ registry finalizeValues ] timeToRun.
>   time1 @ time2
> ]
> {7816 at 41 . 4114 at 0}
> While its not much better at first benchmark (since using the same
> approach to store objects in one dictionary),

I took a quick look and found that you omitted the semaphore from 
WeakFinalizationRegistry. I think it won't work this way.

> while other is significant, since there is no longer need to scan a
> whole collection to detect an items which become a garbage.

That's great.

> Btw, i wonder, why current WeakRegistry using a WeakKeyDictionary
> instead of WeakIdentityKeyDictionary?
> Isn't a weak refs is identity-based?

I found it strange too, but I think the users of WeakRegistry don't 
implement their own #hash and #=, though I didn't check that. Using a 
WeakIdentityKeyDictionary could also mean better performance in most 

> I am also a bit wonder, why WeakRegistry has to support a copy protocol?
> It may lead to unpredictable behavior once you try to copy such kind
> of container, no matter how well you protect it.

I think copy is supported because WeakRegistry is a collection. I wonder 
how could you get the unpredictable behavior with the current 


> -- 
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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