[Vm-dev] Is there a way to get the simulated/possible machine code of a CompiledMethod ?

Eliot Miranda eliot.miranda at gmail.com
Sun Apr 17 01:24:48 UTC 2011

On Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 4:50 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <
marianopeck at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Eliot. For learning purposes, I would LOVE to be able to do something
> like:
> (StackInterpreter >> #lookupMethodInClass:) simulatedMachineCode

Its easy to add a primitive to get the code.  What's problematic is
decorating that code.  Decorating it involves knowing the names for the
variables whose addresses appear in the machine code, and that's tedious to
write.  The best way I know of getting the code right now is to use the
VMMaker and Bochs plugin and the interface that allows one to supply a
method in the current image to the simulator and have it translate it as if
it were in the image being simulated (if that makes sense).  The
VMMaker/Bochs plugin pair decorates the code beautifully. e.g.

Cogit chooseCogitClass genAndDis: (Point >> #setX:setY:)

generates the following if you choose SimpleStackBasedCogit:

objhdr: 1003
nArgs: 2 type: 2
blksiz: C0
method: 100040
mthhdr: 4100801
selctr: 100048=setX:setY:
blkentry: 0
stackCheckOffset: 53/EBB
00000e80: xorl %edx, %edx : 31 D2
00000e82: call .+0xfffffb61 (0x000009e8=ceMethodAbort) : E8 61 FB FF FF
00000e87: nop  : 90
00000e88: movl %edx, %eax : 89 D0
00000e8a: andl $0x00000001, %eax : 83 E0 01
00000e8d: jnz .+0x00000010 (0x00000e9f=setX:setY:@37) : 75 10
00000e8f: movl %ds:(%edx), %eax : 8B 02
00000e91: shrl $0x0a, %eax : C1 E8 0A
00000e94: andl $0x0000007c, %eax : 83 E0 7C
00000e97: jnz .+0x00000006 (0x00000e9f=setX:setY:@37) : 75 06
00000e99: movl %ds:0xfffffffc(%edx), %eax : 8B 42 FC
00000e9c: andl $0xfffffffc, %eax : 83 E0 FC
00000e9f: cmpl %ecx, %eax : 39 C8
00000ea1: jnz .+0xffffffdf (0x00000e82=setX:setY:@1A) : 75 DF
00000ea3: pushl %ebp : 55
00000ea4: movl %esp, %ebp : 89 E5
00000ea6: pushl $0x00000e68=setX:setY:@0 : 68 68 0E 00 00
00000eab: movl $0x00100000=nil, %ebx : BB 00 00 10 00
00000eb0: pushl %ebx : 53
00000eb1: pushl %edx : 52
00000eb2: movl %ds:0x20000=stackLimit, %eax : A1 00 00 02 00
00000eb7: cmpl %eax, %esp : 39 C4
00000eb9: jb .+0xffffffc5 (0x00000e80=setX:setY:@18) : 72 C5
00000ebb: movl 12(%ebp), %eax : 8B 45 0C
00000ebe: pushl %eax : 50
00000ebf: movl -12(%ebp), %edx : 8B 55 F4
00000ec2: popl %ecx : 59
00000ec3: movl %ecx, %ds:0x4(%edx) : 89 4A 04
00000ec6: movl %ecx, %eax : 89 C8
00000ec8: andl $0x00000001, %eax : 83 E0 01
00000ecb: jnz .+0x0000001a (0x00000ee7=setX:setY:@7F) : 75 1A
00000ecd: movl %ds:0x4e5e400, %eax : A1 00 E4 E5 04
00000ed2: cmpl %eax, %edx : 39 C2
00000ed4: jnb .+0x00000011 (0x00000ee7=setX:setY:@7F) : 73 11
00000ed6: cmpl %eax, %ecx : 39 C1
00000ed8: jb .+0x0000000d (0x00000ee7=setX:setY:@7F) : 72 0D
00000eda: movb %ds:0x3(%edx), %al : 8A 42 03
00000edd: andl $0x00000040, %eax : 83 E0 40
00000ee0: jnz .+0x00000005 (0x00000ee7=setX:setY:@7F) : 75 05
00000ee2: call .+0xfffffda1 (0x00000c88=ceStoreCheckTrampoline) : E8 A1 FD
00000ee7: movl 8(%ebp), %eax : 8B 45 08
00000eea: pushl %eax : 50
00000eeb: movl -12(%ebp), %edx : 8B 55 F4
00000eee: popl %ecx : 59
00000eef: movl %ecx, %ds:0x8(%edx) : 89 4A 08
00000ef2: movl %ecx, %eax : 89 C8
00000ef4: andl $0x00000001, %eax : 83 E0 01
00000ef7: jnz .+0x0000001a (0x00000f13=setX:setY:@AB) : 75 1A
00000ef9: movl %ds:0x4e5e400, %eax : A1 00 E4 E5 04
00000efe: cmpl %eax, %edx : 39 C2
00000f00: jnb .+0x00000011 (0x00000f13=setX:setY:@AB) : 73 11
00000f02: cmpl %eax, %ecx : 39 C1
00000f04: jb .+0x0000000d (0x00000f13=setX:setY:@AB) : 72 0D
00000f06: movb %ds:0x3(%edx), %al : 8A 42 03
00000f09: andl $0x00000040, %eax : 83 E0 40
00000f0c: jnz .+0x00000005 (0x00000f13=setX:setY:@AB) : 75 05
00000f0e: call .+0xfffffd75 (0x00000c88=ceStoreCheckTrampoline) : E8 75 FD
00000f13: movl -12(%ebp), %edx : 8B 55 F4
00000f16: movl %ebp, %esp : 89 EC
00000f18: popl %ebp : 5D
00000f19: ret $0x000c : C2 0C 00
00000f1c: nop  : 90
00000f1d: nop  : 90
00000f1e: nop  : 90
00000f1f: nop  : 90
00000f20: nop  : 90
startpc: 12
  16rEAB IsAbsPCReference    (16rF27)
  16rEBB HasBytecodePC       (16rF26, bc: 12)
  16rEE7 IsRelativeCall      (16rF24)
  16rF13 IsRelativeCall      (16rF22)

and the following if you choose StackToRegisterMappingCogit:

objhdr: 1003
nArgs: 2 type: 2
blksiz: B8
method: 100040
mthhdr: 4100801
selctr: 100048=setX:setY:
blkentry: 0
stackCheckOffset: 53/117B
00001140: xorl %edx, %edx : 31 D2
00001142: call .+0xfffff9b1 (0x00000af8=ceMethodAbortNArgs) : E8 B1 F9 FF
00001147: nop  : 90
00001148: movl %edx, %eax : 89 D0
0000114a: andl $0x00000001, %eax : 83 E0 01
0000114d: jnz .+0x00000010 (0x0000115f=setX:setY:@37) : 75 10
0000114f: movl %ds:(%edx), %eax : 8B 02
00001151: shrl $0x0a, %eax : C1 E8 0A
00001154: andl $0x0000007c, %eax : 83 E0 7C
00001157: jnz .+0x00000006 (0x0000115f=setX:setY:@37) : 75 06
00001159: movl %ds:0xfffffffc(%edx), %eax : 8B 42 FC
0000115c: andl $0xfffffffc, %eax : 83 E0 FC
0000115f: cmpl %ecx, %eax : 39 C8
00001161: jnz .+0xffffffdf (0x00001142=setX:setY:@1A) : 75 DF
00001163: pushl %ebp : 55
00001164: movl %esp, %ebp : 89 E5
00001166: pushl $0x00001128=setX:setY:@0 : 68 28 11 00 00
0000116b: movl $0x00100000=nil, %ebx : BB 00 00 10 00
00001170: pushl %ebx : 53
00001171: pushl %edx : 52
00001172: movl %ds:0x20000=stackLimit, %eax : A1 00 00 02 00
00001177: cmpl %eax, %esp : 39 C4
00001179: jb .+0xffffffc5 (0x00001140=setX:setY:@18) : 72 C5
0000117b: movl 12(%ebp), %ecx : 8B 4D 0C
0000117e: movl -12(%ebp), %edx : 8B 55 F4
00001181: movl %ecx, %ds:0x4(%edx) : 89 4A 04
00001184: movl %ecx, %eax : 89 C8
00001186: andl $0x00000001, %eax : 83 E0 01
00001189: jnz .+0x0000001a (0x000011a5=setX:setY:@7D) : 75 1A
0000118b: movl %ds:0x4e5e400, %eax : A1 00 E4 E5 04
00001190: cmpl %eax, %edx : 39 C2
00001192: jnb .+0x00000011 (0x000011a5=setX:setY:@7D) : 73 11
00001194: cmpl %eax, %ecx : 39 C1
00001196: jb .+0x0000000d (0x000011a5=setX:setY:@7D) : 72 0D
00001198: movb %ds:0x3(%edx), %al : 8A 42 03
0000119b: andl $0x00000040, %eax : 83 E0 40
0000119e: jnz .+0x00000005 (0x000011a5=setX:setY:@7D) : 75 05
000011a0: call .+0xfffffd53 (0x00000ef8=ceStoreCheckTrampoline) : E8 53 FD
000011a5: movl 8(%ebp), %ecx : 8B 4D 08
000011a8: movl %ecx, %ds:0x8(%edx) : 89 4A 08
000011ab: movl %ecx, %eax : 89 C8
000011ad: andl $0x00000001, %eax : 83 E0 01
000011b0: jnz .+0x0000001a (0x000011cc=setX:setY:@A4) : 75 1A
000011b2: movl %ds:0x4e5e400, %eax : A1 00 E4 E5 04
000011b7: cmpl %eax, %edx : 39 C2
000011b9: jnb .+0x00000011 (0x000011cc=setX:setY:@A4) : 73 11
000011bb: cmpl %eax, %ecx : 39 C1
000011bd: jb .+0x0000000d (0x000011cc=setX:setY:@A4) : 72 0D
000011bf: movb %ds:0x3(%edx), %al : 8A 42 03
000011c2: andl $0x00000040, %eax : 83 E0 40
000011c5: jnz .+0x00000005 (0x000011cc=setX:setY:@A4) : 75 05
000011c7: call .+0xfffffd2c (0x00000ef8=ceStoreCheckTrampoline) : E8 2C FD
000011cc: movl -12(%ebp), %edx : 8B 55 F4
000011cf: movl %ebp, %esp : 89 EC
000011d1: popl %ebp : 5D
000011d2: ret $0x000c : C2 0C 00
000011d5: nop  : 90
000011d6: nop  : 90
000011d7: nop  : 90
000011d8: nop  : 90
startpc: 12
  16r116B IsAbsPCReference    (16r11DF)
  16r117B HasBytecodePC       (16r11DE, bc: 12)
  16r11A5 IsRelativeCall      (16r11DC)
  16r11CC IsRelativeCall      (16r11DA)

(spot the difference?)

> and that answers a possible machine code for that compiled method ? is that
> possible ? Sorry for my ignorance if this is absurd.

Far from it.

> if you provide me such method I plan to build a little browser on top of
> that.

Go for it.

> Thanks
> --
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
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