[Vm-dev] Re: [squeak-dev] Re: Separate TeaTime (was Re: Re: Teleplace is hiring...)

Igor Stasenko siguctua at gmail.com
Wed Mar 30 12:41:34 UTC 2011

On 30 March 2011 10:01, Andreas Raab <andreas.raab at gmx.de> wrote:
> On 3/30/2011 4:12, Eliot Miranda wrote:
> Classes *don't* inherit from nil.  nil is at the end of their superclass chain.  That's different from inheriting.
> At least in current images UndefinedObject includesBehavior: nil is false, which seems right to me.  nil is not a behavior; its use as the sentinel at the end of the superclass chain doesn't imply it is a behavior.  So I propose that we change includesBehavior:ThatOf: to something like
> StackInterpreter methods for plugin primitive support
> includesBehavior: aClass ThatOf: aSuperclass
> "Return the equivalent of
> aClass includesBehavior: aSuperclass.
> Note: written for efficiency and better inlining (only 1 temp)"
> | theClass |
> <inline: true>
> aSuperclass = objectMemory nilObject ifTrue:
> [^false].
> theClass := aClass.
> [theClass = aSuperclass ifTrue:
> [^true].
> theClass ~= objectMemory nilObject] whileTrue:
> [theClass := self superclassOf: theClass].
> ^false
> I don't think this will affect anything other than FFI and Alien since those are the only uses I can find, and in my reading of that code the proposed change seems fine; safer in fact.
> Agreed?
> Sounds reasonable to me. The one thing to check is if there are any places that currently assume that includesBehavior:ThatOf: returns true for a nil argument. If so, we can still add an explicit check that tests for interpreterProxy classAlien to be nil but I agree that the above would be the better solution.

Hmm.. i'd prefer to not see this in marshalling code.
But its easier to say than to do.

I did the following trick in NativeBoost:

- added own GC root - an array which serves as a registry for all
classes & other tricky stuff, like callbacks.

To test if argument belongs to specific class, i putting the class to
that array and then code generator emits the code
to load class oop from that array at specific index (which i have
obtained during registration), and compares that
class oop with class of argument which needs to be marshalled.
(For curious, the  marshalling implementation is in NBExternalObjectType class).

In Alien, one could do a similar trick.
For signature like:

void * foo (MyAlienClass arg1 , MyAlienClass2 arg2)

one could:
- put the MyAlienClass and MyAlienClass2 into signature descriptor (or
somewhere else),
which will tell that during marshalling, a passed argument's class
must be exactly same.
Then you can avoid slow and cumbersome membership testing, but just
test oop's class.

As to me, using inheritance to check argument type is slow and not
guarantees correct coercion.
For example, all external structures is subclasses of
NBExternalStructure, but obviously if you pass an instance of one
struct type, say StructA
to function which expects StructB. In this case, a membership testing
gives nothing.

> Cheers,
>   - Andreas

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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