[Vm-dev] 3 Bugs in LargeInteger primitives

Igor Stasenko siguctua at gmail.com
Sat Sep 1 15:41:44 UTC 2012

i wonder, if any changes are needed for jit, because i suppose some of
semantics for bigints is jitted.

On 1 September 2012 16:44, Levente Uzonyi <leves at elte.hu> wrote:
> On Sat, 1 Sep 2012, David T. Lewis wrote:
>> I have integrated these fixes into trunk VMMaker for testing. The
>> new #testMinimumNegativeIntegerArithmetic unit test passes, and a VM
>> compiled in 64-bit mode no longer crashed. I can find no significant
>> change in performance with these changes applied. This looks really
>> good to me, and if there are no other comments or issues I will go
>> ahead and post the update to trunk VMMaker.
> That sounds great, thanks Dave.
>> Here are the performance measurements that I did to compare VM performance
>> before and after applying the changes. This is done with an interpreter
>> VM compiled in 64 bit mode on Linux:
>>  testBlock := [(1 to: 1000000) do: [:e | | largeNegativeInt |
>>                 largeNegativeInt := -9223372036854775808 + e.
>>                 largeNegativeInt >> 3.
>>                 largeNegativeInt + 1.
>>                 largeNegativeInt - -1.
>>                 largeNegativeInt // -1.
>>                 largeNegativeInt \\ -1.
>>                 largeNegativeInt rem: -1.
>>                 largeNegativeInt quo: -1.
>>                 largeNegativeInt * -1.
>>                 largeNegativeInt / -1]].
> What's the reason for using #to: and #do: instead of #to:do:? The latter
> seems to be much more appropriate in such tests, because it doesn't create
> any objects and message sends, so garbage collection has less effect on the
> measurements.
> Levente
>> Before Nicolas' changes:
>>  (LargeNegativeIntegerTest selector:
>> #testMinimumNegativeIntegerArithmetic) run
>>     ==> 1 run, 0 passes, 0 expected failures, 1 failures, 0 errors, 0
>> unexpected passes
>>  Time millisecondsToRun: [(1 to: 1000000) do: [:e | e +
>> -9223372036854775808 // -1]] ==> 1565
>>  Time millisecondsToRun: [(1 to: 1000000) do: [:e | e +
>> -9223372036854775808 // -1]] ==> 1550
>>  Time millisecondsToRun: [(1 to: 1000000) do: [:e | e +
>> -9223372036854775808 // -1]] ==> 1544
>>  0 tinyBenchmarks ==> '437981180 bytecodes/sec; 14163414 sends/sec'
>>  0 tinyBenchmarks ==> '442141623 bytecodes/sec; 14141708 sends/sec'
>>  0 tinyBenchmarks ==> '442141623 bytecodes/sec; 14120068 sends/sec'
>>  0 tinyBenchmarks ==> '440240756 bytecodes/sec; 14163414 sends/sec'
>>  0 tinyBenchmarks ==> '442141623 bytecodes/sec; 14823236 sends/sec'
>>  Time millisecondsToRun: testBlock ==> 4698
>>  Time millisecondsToRun: testBlock ==> 4671
>>  Time millisecondsToRun: testBlock ==> 4668
>>  Time millisecondsToRun: testBlock ==> 4612
>>  Time millisecondsToRun: testBlock ==> 4657
>> After applying the fixes:
>>  (LargeNegativeIntegerTest selector:
>> #testMinimumNegativeIntegerArithmetic) run
>>     ==> 1 run, 1 passes, 0 expected failures, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0
>> unexpected passes
>>  Time millisecondsToRun: [(1 to: 1000000) do: [:e | e +
>> -9223372036854775808 // -1]] ==> 1616
>>  Time millisecondsToRun: [(1 to: 1000000) do: [:e | e +
>> -9223372036854775808 // -1]] ==> 1581
>>  Time millisecondsToRun: [(1 to: 1000000) do: [:e | e +
>> -9223372036854775808 // -1]] ==> 1577
>>  0 tinyBenchmarks ==> '456735057 bytecodes/sec; 14002222 sends/sec'
>>  0 tinyBenchmarks ==> '461677186 bytecodes/sec; 14023502 sends/sec'
>>  0 tinyBenchmarks ==> '462929475 bytecodes/sec; 14002222 sends/sec'
>>  0 tinyBenchmarks ==> '459192825 bytecodes/sec; 14002222 sends/sec'
>>  0 tinyBenchmarks ==> '458781362 bytecodes/sec; 13970423 sends/sec'
>>  Time millisecondsToRun: testBlock ==> 4680
>>  Time millisecondsToRun: testBlock ==> 4672
>>  Time millisecondsToRun: testBlock ==> 4722
>>  Time millisecondsToRun: testBlock ==> 4675
>>  Time millisecondsToRun: testBlock ==> 4679
>> Dave
>> On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 01:14:54AM +0200, Nicolas Cellier wrote:
>>> See also http://code.google.com/p/cog/issues/detail?id=92 where I
>>> attached a fix for large int
>>> It's untested yet and to review carefully !
>>> As Stefan told, there is UB-reliance in SmallInteger primitives too,
>>> but I did not fix them.
>>> We should simply compute result as signed 64 bits as proposed by
>>> Stefan (except bitShift)
>>> Nicolas
>>> 2012/8/30 David T. Lewis <lewis at mail.msen.com>:
>>>> This is on Mantis at http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=7705
>>>> Note last comment in related issue 6987.
>>>> This issue will crash the VM when compiled for 64-bit platforms.
>>>> Dave
>>>> On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 12:18:28PM +0200, Nicolas Cellier wrote:
>>>>> As posted on squeak-dev
>>>>> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/pipermail/squeak-dev/2012-August/165608.html
>>>>> I found 3 bugs in LargeInteger primitives
>>>>> (1<<63) negated quo: -1.
>>>>> (1<<63) negated / -1.
>>>>> (1<<63) negated * -1.
>>>>> They are all related to the impossible task of taking absolute value
>>>>> of INT_MIN (or more exactly it's 64 bits equivalent).
>>>>> Currently, it takes the form (0 - INT_MIN) whose behaviour is
>>>>> undefined according to C standards but generally answer INT_MIN.
>>>>> See for example
>>>>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2539178/why-is-abs0x80000000-0x80000000
>>>>> Surprisingly this one works:
>>>>> (1<<63) negated // -1.
>>>>> Most probably because gcc has a license to ignore undefined behaviour
>>>>> and perform some optimizations that don't take overflow side effects
>>>>> into account.
>>>>> For example 0 - (0 - a)/b can be simplified into a/b, UB case of
>>>>> INT_MIN apart...
>>>>> ---------------------------------
>>>>> Beside these bugs, when I read the code, I'm quite sure it's a nest of
>>>>> future bugs because there are many other attempts to catch overflow in
>>>>> post-condition (like testing that addition of two positive is negative
>>>>> when an underflow occurs) that technically rely on explicitely
>>>>> Undefined Behaviour (UB).
>>>>> OK, by now many Arithmetic Units do behave like exploited in these
>>>>> post-conditions, though it's not strictly future-proof.
>>>>> But we unfortunately rely on optimizing C compilers, and its behaviour
>>>>> is much more fragile than hardware...
>>>>> I invite every VM hacker to read
>>>>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/199333/best-way-to-detect-integer-overflow-in-c-c
>>>>> And various links like
>>>>> https://www.securecoding.cert.org/confluence/display/seccode/INT32-C.+Ensure+that+operations+on+signed+integers+do+not+result+in+overflow?showComments=false
>>>>> For example, in large integer subtract, we have a protection against
>>>>> (0 - INT_MIN) like:
>>>>>    y = 0 - x;
>>>>>    if ( y==x ) { primitiveFail(); }
>>>>> an optimizing compiler having a licence to ignore INT_MIN Undefined
>>>>> Behaviour case could mathematically solve the equation as x==0, y==0
>>>>> and transform code into
>>>>>   if( ! (y=0-x) ) { primitiveFail(); }
>>>>> (directly use a jz and save a comparison)
>>>>> or if we have such branch
>>>>> c = a + b;
>>>>> if( a >0) {
>>>>>   if(b > 0) {
>>>>>      if (c < 0 ) { primitiveFail(); }
>>>>>   }
>>>>> }
>>>>> Again, a good compiler could remove the if( c < 0) test, since it does
>>>>> not have to care about UB...
>>>>> OK, pragmatically, most of these post-condition hacks are fast and
>>>>> work with some version of gcc, but think about portability (llvm ?)
>>>>> and future pain (you can debug such code only at asembler level).
>>>>> Do it right > do it fast.
>>>>> Nicolas

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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