[Vm-dev] Mac VM Maintainer resignation (for the general purpose VM, not for PharoVM)

Esteban Lorenzano estebanlm at gmail.com
Fri Oct 18 12:21:47 UTC 2013


This is an announce for VM-dev and Squeak-dev list, Pharo-dev list is copy to keep people informed. 

Last years I tried to keep a working version of the Mac builds of VM while at the same time trying to keep my job going. It was a hard work but I did my best. 
When I assumed the responsibility I said that my first task was going to be to automatize the builds and at the same time Igor was doing the same so I joined that effort. Since then the VM is buildable even by the not so good at VM level and I never seen the point in keeping the manual build or the non-smalltalk-generated configuration files. 
Nevertheless, I preferred to work on the new builds of Eliot than in the old interpreter and when keeping all working became more work that what I could manage, I choose to keep Stack and Cog VM working. 

Maybe because of that, or because the animosity between communities, or because what I'm doing just does not match Squeak vision, or because since Eliot is providing regular builds mine are not needed, truth is that I've seen my work mostly ignored in squeak community and for some of the people in vm-dev list. 

That's why I resign as a maintainer. I have a process that does not match squeak vision and is fair for squeak community to look for someone who does. 

I have no bad feelings, I'm complete grateful to the community for give me the opportunity  (specially to John, who thrusted me) and to all the rest. 

I also know that there is great people both in vm-dev and in squeak-dev, but I cannot your mac-guy anymore (and I think this is obvious since ever). 

And of course I will continue working in the pharo flavor of VM :)


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